SDS 387: Linear Models

Alessandro (Ale) Rinaldo - Fall, 2024

SDS 387 is an intermediate graduate course in theoretical statistics for PhD students, covering two separate but interrelated topics: (i) stochastic convergence and (ii) linear regression modeling. The material and style of the course will skew towards the mathematical and theoretical aspects of common models and methods, in order to provide a foundation for those who wish to pursue research in statistical methods and theory. This is not an applied regression analysis course.

  • Lectures: Tuesday and Thursday, 9:00am - 10:30am, PMA 5.112

  • TA: Khai Nguyen, - Office hours: Thursday, 1:30pm - 2:30pm, GDC 7.418 (Poisson Bowl)

  • Ale's Office hours: by appointment

  • Homework submission and solutions: use Canvas

Due date
Homework 1 September 17
Homework 2 October 3
Final project proposal October 12
Homework 3 October 17

Tuesday, August 27

Lecture 1: Introduction and course logistics. Deterministic convergence and convergence with probability one.

Thursday, August 29

Lecture 2: Lim sup and lim inf of events. Borel Cantelli Lemmas. Convergence in probability and comparison with convergence with probability one. Law of large numbers. Glivenko Cantelli Lemma.

Tuesday, September 3

Lecture 3: Glivenko Cantelli Theorem, First Borel Cantelli Lemma, more on convergence in probability. For the Glivenko Cantelli Theorem, see Theorem 19.1 in van der Vaart's book.

Thursday, September 5

Lecture 4: Lp convergence, Minkowski, Holder and Jensen inequalities. Relations between Lp convergence and convergence in probability and with probability one. C.d.f.'s in multivariate settings.

Tuesday, September 10

Lecture 5: Convergence in distribution. Relation with other forms of convergence. Marginal vs joint convergence in distribution. Portmanteau theorem. For the proof of the claim that convergence in probability implies convergence in distribution, see page 330 of Billingsley's book Probability and Measure.

Thusday, September 12

Lecture 6: Portmantreau Theorem, Continuous Mapping Theorem, characteristics functions and Continuity Theorem, Cramer-Wald device. I suggest reading Chapter 3 of Ferguson's book (in particuar, Theorem 3(e) has a neat proof).

Tuesday, September 17

Lecture 7: Slutsky's theorem, more on convergence in distribution. Big-oh and little-oh notation.

Thursday, September 19

Lecture 8: More on big-oh and little-oh notation. CLT for i.i.d. variables using characteristic functions. Triangular arrays, Lindeberg Feller and Lyapunov conditions.

Tuesday, September 24

Lecture 9: Lindeberg Feller, examples and multivariate extension. Berry-Esseen bounds. A good reference for this lecture and the last is the book Sums of Independent Random Variables, by V.V. Petrov, Springer, 1975. Another classic and good reference is Approximation Theorems of Mathematical Statistics by Serfling, Wiley, 1980.

Thursday, September 27

Lecture 10: Kolmogorov Smirnov, total variation and Wasserstein distances. Theorem 1.1 about Lindeberg approximations for 3-times continuously differentiable functions.

Tuesday, October 1

Lecture 11: Review of linear algebra. See references in the class notes.

Thursday, October 3

Lecture 12: Spectral properties of matrices. Eigendecomposition and singular value decomposition.

Tuesday, October 8

Lecture 13: Projections. Vector and matrix norms.

Tuesday, October 15

Lecture 14: L2 projections and conditional expectation. Introduction to regression modeling.