Reading material for the class will be assigned from:

36-755, Fall 2016
Class Schedule
Date Lecture Topic Readings Scribe Notes Notes
Aug 29, M Introduction: high-dimensional statistical models
  • [W], Chapter 1
Aug 31, M Sub-Gaussian variables and Hoeffding Inequality
  • [W], Chapter 2, 2.1.1, 2.1.2.
Sep 7, W Sub-Exponential variables and Bernstein Inequality
  • [W], Chapter 2.1.3, 2.1.4
Sep 12, M Maxima, Quadratic Forms, Martingales
  • [W], Chapter 2.2.1 and 2.2.2
Sep 14, W The bounded difference inequality with applications. Concentration of Lipschitz functions of Gaussians.
  • [W], Chapter 2.3
pdf HW1 is due. Here are the Solutions
Sep 19, M Covering and packing numbers, metric entropy volumetric ratios, concentration of maxima over infinite sets.
  • [W], 5.1
Sep 21, W Matrix algebra review. covariance estimation in the operator norm.
  • [W], 6.1 and 6.3
Sep 26, M Upper bound on the prediction consistency of least squares and penalized least squares.
  • [W], 7.1
pdf HW2 is due. Here are the Solutions
Sep 28, W Slow rates for the lasso. Restricted eigenvalue condition for fast rates.
  • [W] 7.4 and 7.3.1.
Oct 3, M Class canceled.
Oct 5, W Fast rates for the lasso. Oracle inequality for least squares.
  • [W] 7.3
pdf HW3 is due. Here are the Solutions
Oct 10, M Persistence and Introduction to PCA
  • [W] 8.1 and Greenshtein and Ritov (2007)
Oct 12, W Davis-Kahan theorem and application to eigenspace estimation. See references page. pdf
Oct 17, M Eigenvector recovery for sparse PCA under the spiked covariance model. Introduction to the uniform law of large numbers.
  • [W] Theorem 8.1 and section 4.1.
Oct 19, W Uniform law of large numbers via Rademchaer complexities.
  • [W]: Section 4.2
pdf HW4 is due. Here are the Solutions
Oct 24, M Polynomial discrimination, shattering coefficients, VC dimension, Sauer Lemma and VC inequality. Examples of VC classes of sets.
  • [W]: Section 4.3
Oct 26, W Classic derivation of the VC inequality, relative deviations, extension to functions, Talagrand inequality for empirical processes and separability.
  • [W]: Section 4.3
Oct 31, M Sub-Gaussian processes and one-step discretization technique with applications.
  • [W]: Sections 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3.
pdf HW5 is due. Here are the Solutions
Nov 2, W Chaining and Dudley entropy integral bound.
  • [W]: Sections 5.4.
Nov 7, M Orlicz processes and their concentration properties.
  • [W]: Section 5.7.
Nov 9, W Nonparametric least squares. Critical radius from local Gaussian complexity.
  • [W]: Sections 13.1 and 13.2.
HW6 is due. Here are the Solutions
Nov 14, M Nonparametric least squares. Critical radius from local Gaussian complexity.
  • [W]: Sections 13.1 and 13.2.
Nov 16, W Oracle Inequality for Nonparametric least squares.
  • [W]: Sections 13.3.
Nov 21, M Uses of Oracle Inequality for Nonparametric least squares. Introduction to U-statistics.
  • [W]: Sections 13.3.1.
Nov 28, M Examples of U-statistics. Variance of a U-statistics. pdf
Nov 30, W Hajek projection and asymptotic normality of U-statistics. HW7 is due. Here are the Solutions
Dec 5, M Concentration of U-statistics and review. pdf
Dec 7, W Final exam. Here are the Solutions

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